
  アメリカ環境保護庁(EPA)が、ネオニコチノイドは「効かない」という報告を出しています。まさか!と思いましたが、ほんとでした。調査を実施したEPAの Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (化学物質安全性、公害防止局)は、「我々の分析によれば、アメリカ全土において、ネオニコによる種子処理は大豆農家にほとんど、あるいはまったく経済的利益をもたらしていないとの結論に達した」と、非常にはっきり述べています。一応、原文を一番下に貼り付けておきます。  


「ミツバチが消えた」 町内養蜂家ら悲鳴

2014年9月26日号 http://www.townnews.co.jp/0503/2014/09/26/253208.html

(ハチがいなくなった巣箱を指さす石井さん) 三浦半島地域で近年、大量のミツバチが突如”失踪”する現象が相次いでいる。昨年は地域内に10軒ある養蜂場のハチほぼ全てが全滅する事態が発生。被害に遭った蜂箱の数は200近くにのぼる。関係者は一部農薬が原因と推測しているが、解決に向けた決定打はないのが現状で苦境にあえいでいる。





  • ネオニコ処理のタネでも、農薬未使用のタネでも、大豆の収穫量は増えなかった.
  • スプレー式の代替農薬が得られるし、効果もある.
  • 代替農薬はいずれも同等のコストだ.
  • ネオニコ処理の種子は、非常にまれで予想できない害虫に効果があるかもしれないが、その可能性は大きいとも全国的だとも考えられない



October 16, 2014 

EPA Finds Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments of Little or No Benefit to U.S. Soybean Production
Washington — Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released an analysis of the benefits of neonicotinoid seed treatments for insect control in soybeans. Neonicotinoid pesticides are a class of insecticides widely used on U.S. crops that EPA is reviewing with particular emphasis for their impact on pollinators. The analysis concluded that there is little or no increase in soybean yields using most neonicotinoid seed treatments when compared to using no pest control at all. A Federal Register notice inviting the public to comment on the analysis will publish in the near future.
“We have made the review of neonicotinoid pesticides a high priority,” said Jim Jones, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. “In our analysis of the economic benefits of this use we concluded that, on a national scale, U.S. soybean farmers see little or no benefit from neonicotinoid seed treatments.”
During the review of the neonicotinoids, EPA found that many scientific publications claim that treating soybean seeds has little value. Part of our assessment examined the effectiveness of these seed treatments for pest control and estimated the impacts on crop yields and quality, as well as financial losses and gains. The law requires EPA to consider the benefits of using pesticides as well as the risks.
The analysis concluded that: 

  • There is no increase in soybean yield using most neonicotinoid seed treatments when compared to using no pest control at all.
  • Alternative insecticides applied as sprays are available and effective.
  • All major alternatives are comparable in cost.
  • Neonicotinoid seed treatment could provide an insurance benefit against sporadic and unpredictable insect pests, but this potential benefit is not likely to be large or widespread throughout the United States.

s analysis is an important part of the science EPA will use to move forward with the assessment of the risks and benefits under registration review for the neonicotinoid pesticides.  Registration review — the periodic re-evaluation of pesticides to determine if they continue to meet the safety standard — can result in EPA discontinuing certain uses, placing limits on the pesticide registration, and requiring other label changes. 
Sign up for pesticide program updates to be notified by email when the EPA opens the docket and invites comment on its analysis of the benefits of neonicotinoid seed treatments on soybeans. R246



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