米・NATOには急ぐ理由があったのです。どんな事件だって、時間がたつと明らかになるものなので。まず、虐殺された人々は、初め伝えられていたように、アサド政権のミサイルで殺されたのではなく、至近距離から銃や刀で殺されていたのが明らかになったのです。犠牲者の30人以上が乳幼児。市民が、小さい亡骸をカメラの前に、次々と持ち上げて見せる動画が流れていますが、Al-Houla Massacre – Dozens of Children Murdered in Syria – YouTube 体はたしかに爆撃による損傷はありません。なお、動画はとても残酷なので、閲覧にはご注意下さい
6月13日、ドイツの有力紙、Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitungが、ハウラ虐殺の公的発表(アサド政権犯人説)を改めて否定する記事を出しています。記事を書いたベテラン記者は、犠牲者は、実はアサドの支持者や議員関係者など特定の家族だけで、すぐ隣の家では何の被害もなかったこと、虐殺したのは、武装自由シリア軍(反乱軍)だったことを明らかにしています。このような情報はネット上では早くから流れていましたが、大手メディアがここまで事実を報道した(!)のは初めて。
Witnesses to al–Houla Massacre: Massacres Were Carried Out – nsnbc Jun 2, 2012
UN Mission to Syria Observers refuse to listen to citizens’ testimonies regarding armed terrorist groups
Prof. Chandra Muzaffar, SYRIA: The Houla Massacre and the Subversion of the Peace Plan There is no credible, independent entity that can help reveal the entire truth about the Houla massacre. The United Nations Human Rights Council which has passed a resolution condemning the massacre hastily targeted the Syrian government as the culprit without waiting for reports from the UN-Arab League Observer Mission in Syria. This is one of the reasons why China, Cuba and Russia voted against the resolution. The Council has since the outbreak of the conflict in Syria 14 months ago adopted an antagonistic attitude towards the government. In all its submissions to the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly, it has ignored or downplayed the views of the Syrian government.
The United Nations and the Houla Massacre: The Information Battlefield:
In examining the videos and photos put online or provided by the opposition making these claims, however, it became evident that many of the victims, particularly the women and children, had been killed at close range by bullets and knives and not by the shelling of heavy weapons by the Syrian military.
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky “Humanitarian War Criminals” in High Office: Was the Houla Massacre Ordered by the Western Military Alliance?:Several authoritative reports, including a recent report of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, confirm unequivocally that “opposition” FSA terrorists were behind these atrocities. (Neue Erkenntnisse zu Getöteten von Hula: Abermals Massaker in Syrien – Politik – FAZ, June 8, 2012) […] The FAZ report largely corroborates the report by Russian journalist Marat Musin, which includes detailed testimonies […]These two reports dispel the lies and fabrications of the Western media. Entire pro-government families in Houla were massacred. The terrorists were mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army (FSA). An earlier report published in Der Spiegel (March 2012) suggests that the FSA is involved in a routine and organized process of mass-murder. The article focusses on extra-judicial killings in Homs conducted under the mandate of so-called “burial brigades”.